Hi there! Today our new 0.7.81 update is out for Knife To Meet You PC, Android and iOS. NEW FEATURES...
Dear knife throwers! Today I am very enthusiastic. I've been thinking for a very long time about how to put...
It's Halloween time. Zombies are coming, and your shaking friend's only hope is that you will introduce yourself in your...
Knife To Meet You Guys! We continue the weekly challenge, focusing only on one level each week. Feel free to...
Knife To Meet You Guys! We have worked a lot. It is our GREATEST UPDATE SO FAR with a lot...
Knife To Meet You is currently under development for PC, Android and iOS. But we already have an offer for...
As you could notice we made a huge price reduction (25 to 15 USD) and we have removed the demo...
Knife To Meet You Guys! Today we updated our game. NEW TRICK: The Sacrifice Trick!!! Hit your friend quickly right...
Knife To Meet You guys! :) In the end of the week we will release a new update. It will...
Winners! Congratz! The promotion ended now and we have 6 winners: Zsolti, Jimfish, Bill Burt, Michael Ullrich, muhkuh0815, 571818489aContant us...