Knife To Meet You is currently under development for PC, Android and iOS. But we already have an offer for you: you can buy it now with reduced early access price. This way you can access cool features right now while supporting the development to make this game as fun as possible! Your purchase will convert to Final Full Version when the game is ready.
By purchasing in EARLY ACCESS you will get: – ALL THE FEATURES which the FINAL FULL VERSION will have – PLUS: during the development we will give you full access to all the weapons and levels we are working on, so you can try out the craziest ideas – even if we keep it or not. Note: final release date is still unknown but hopefully October or November 2021. |
Full version features will be:
- Online leaderboard for all weapons (done)
- 50 Levels (currently 35+)
- Lot of weapons (currently 15)
- More objects and characters with special physic interactions
- Graphics, FX improvements
- Action camera in-game and replay
Other plans (what we hope for):
- Level (or maybe weapon) editor
- Quest system
- XP system
- Game mode: 1000 knives (a survival mode)
- Game mode: Zero Practice Daily Challenge (a new level every day: which players can play only once – with leaderboards)
- Game mode: The Endless Journey (random generated levels)
- Even more characters, a wooden dog for the ringmaster (sleep and chase phases)
- Interactive crowd who can be happy or angry (throwing coins or tomato at the characters)
- Complex weapons with special physics interactions (crazy weapons like: knife-grenade, harpoon, a battle-chicken which start to run on landing, chain-jointed-weapons, swordfish with sticky nose and big jaws, etc)
- Friends Leaderboard
- Character customization saved in replays (animations, craving, annual rings, wood types, etc)
- Even more physics (fire, water, explosion, etc)